Services Offered by Quintel Intelligence

Crisis management services

It is profoundly disruptive and traumatic when something happens that strikes at the centre of an organisation. Any crisis can have an adverse effect on a business’ or individual’s ability to operate. Without the right course of action it can prove detrimental and cause irreparable damage.

Our crisis management service allows you access to a discreet team who will derive a prompt response to any developing situation. This bespoke service allows you to focus on what is important to ensure business continuity and not to be consumed by single issues.

Quintel’s approach to Crisis Management

Our approach to crisis is to move quickly and deliberately. You will be guided by our expert team who will identify critical information enabling us to design strategies to help you regain control. Clearly defining the desired solution allows us to draw upon the necessary professional resources. This is often a highly dynamic and responsive service which deals with various elements of the situation in a logical order to reach a solution.

Ensuring that you have the capacity to function is our first stage of crisis response. Our team will quickly place protective measures in place while a strategy is formulated. This allows the team to understand the situation and present solutions for you to regain control.

Our in-house intelligence team and advisors are able to provide a considerable amount of high-level information and expertise very quickly – reducing potential damage and losses. All of this is achieved with absolute confidentiality and discretion.

We have a highly responsive team, experienced in a wide range of international incidents, including missing persons, high profile blackmail, and extortion attempts.

If you require a discreet and responsive service contact our team today +44 (0)203 948 1988 or click here.